With the World celebrating the life of Robert Burns, renowned Burns Night Speaker Niven Rennie has been delivering an immortal memory inspired by his experience visiting Srebrenica with us last year.
In it he talks about the effect that his experience in Srebrenica had upon him.
As he walked between the white pillars of Potocari Cemetery he recalled the Bards words
“Many sharp and numerous ills
Inwoven with our frame!
More pointed still we make ourselves,
Regret, remorse and shame!
And man whose heav’n erected face
The smiles of love adorn,
Man’s inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn”!
Niven has been delivering his immortal memory at Burns Suppers across Scotland.

Niven Rennie, Renowned Burns Speaker

Niven with Hasan Hasanovic, curator of the Potocari Memorial Centre.