Almasa shares her story of growing up in Bosnia during the war.
Srebrenica Stories 25: Ricky Ross, Deacon Blue
Ricky reflects on his trip to Srebrenica with Remembering Srebrenica, Scotland.
Srebrenica Stories 24: Elaine Motion Chair, Balfour + Manson
Elaine reflects on her trip to Srebrenica with Remembering Srebrenica Scotland.
Srebrenica Stories 23: Jackie Halawi, Assistant Director Education Scotland
Jackie shares her reflections from a trip to Srebrenica with Remembering Srebrenica Scotland in 2018.
Srebrenica Stories 22: Stephen Gethins, Professor of Practice in International Relations at St Andrews University
Stephen shares insights into his experiences in Bosnia and how this impacts on his work.
Srebrenic Stories 21: Susan Stewart, Director Open University Scotland
Susan shares her reflections from her trip out to Srebrenica as part of a delegation with Remembering Srebrenica Scotland.
Srebrenica Stories 20: Dr Marion Allison, Director CLD Standards Council Scotland
Marion shares her reflections and insights from her trip to Srebrenica with Remembering Srebrenica Scotland.
Srebrenica Stories 19: Iain Gray MSP
Iain shares his experiences and reflections from trips to Srebrenica with Remembering Srebrenica Scotland.
Srebenica Stories 18: Alison Evison, President of COSLA
Alison reflects on her trip to Srebrenica with Remembering Srebrenica Scotland.
Srebrenica Stories 17: Chief Constable Iain Livingstone QPM
Chief Constable Livingstone shares his experiences of visiting Srebrenica with Remembering Srebrenica Scotland and reflections 25 years on from the genocide in Bosnia Herzegovina.